Gil's Locksmith Service

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Ocoee Locksmith | Locksmith Ocoee

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Essential Security for Any Residential Property

Don’t be one of those people that take for granted that their home is probably as safe and secure as it can get. There are always little things any homeowner can do to improve the security around their residence. Many of them are affordable or only take a little effort on your part to make happen. There simply is no substitute for being proactive when it comes to the safety and security of your home. Here are some steps you can take to better improve your home security.

Low-Cost Home Security Improvement Steps

Here are a few non-expensive security measures that anyone can take to better improve the safety and security around their residence.

Improve Exterior Lighting

Thieves no that in order to not be caught in the act they need to stay out of sight. One of the ways that they do that is to strike during the night. Darkness gives them natural cover as they go about doing their dirty deeds. That’s why lighting up your property at night is a great way to discourage would-be thieves from trying to enter into your home at night. So light up the perimeter of your home as much as possible. If you are worried about the cost of running lights all night long, you can minimize this by installing motion sensor lights.

Install Alarms

Is your home alarmed? If not it should be. Alarms are another great deterrent for scaring would-be thieves away from your property. Just the mere presence of a sign in your yard or on your windows that says you have an alarm system goes a long way toward discouraging theft on your property. Maybe you are worried about the cost of installing and monitoring alarm systems? Be aware that the competition in this type of business is fierce and alarm installation and monitoring prices are at an all-time low because of this. It’s a small price to pay for the safety and security of you, your family, and your many valuables.

Add Surveillance

Thieves go out of their way to not be identified and caught. This is the reason that every home should be protected by a home surveillance system. These are a big deterrent when it comes to discouraging thieves from breaking into your home. Nowadays home surveillance systems are more affordable than ever too. They are also very easy to do DIY installations on. Also, if your home is ever broken into you stand a better chance to catch those that did it if you have a home surveillance system in place.

Upgrade Existing Locks

Like any type of device, locks to can become out of date as far as the security that they offer. That’s why it’s never a bad idea to periodically call a residential locksmith to come out to your home and have them perform a lock evaluation. Once this lock evaluation is done a locksmith can tell you what locks on your home need serious upgrading.

Install Extra Locks

Do you want to take your home lock security up another level? You can do this by simply adding more locks to in such places as windows and exterior doors. Add such reinforcing locks as deadbolts to exterior doors if you do not already have them and put bars in place in the tracks of sliding glass and other patio doors. There are so many places that you can simply add an extra inexpensive locking device to help increase your home’s security.

Key security is Essential

Resist the temptation to hide keys around your home to prevent lockout situations. You make think you are doing yourself a favor by doing this but you are really doing a would-be thief a favor. That’s because thieves know all of the usual hiding places to look for keys that will allow them easy access into your home. Also, don’t give your keys to people you do not know because they may be unscrupulous and get it copied. Get a Wi-Fi controlled garage door instead that will allow you to let your yard person, your dog sitter, and other individuals into your home without giving them a key or key code.

Keep Tall Shrubs and Bushes from Blocking Windows

Another good idea is keeping shrubs and bushes near windows trimmed. Thieves will often approach houses using tall shrubs and bushes that are blocking windows as cover. By keeping them trimmed you take this advantage away from a thief.

Get a Dog

One of the first things that any would-be thief wants to know about a home is if there is a dog present. That’s because they know that dogs will totally complicate their efforts. Dogs not only have keen eyesight and hearing that makes them quickly bark when an intruder is near but they are also very protective in most cases too. This can cause big problems for any thief inside of a home. So consider getting a dog if you don’t already have one.

It’s Important to Practice Good Security Routines Too

All of the security steps mentioned above are great but they will do you no good without establishing a set security routine around your home. Do such things as making it a habit to keep the garage door closed at all times and double-check door and window security before going to bed at night. Little things can go a long way toward keeping you and your family safer at home. Also, make sure your family is all on the same page as far as the steps you need to take to keep your home safe and secure.

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Call us now : (407) 392-0992

If you’re a resident in Ocoee then it makes sense to go to Gil's Locksmith Service for all of your locksmith needs, and that we will help in ways that you couldn’t even fathom before you used our expert services.

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